Natural Beauty with Honey Masks

Do you know that honey—that natural sweetening agent produced by bees—is actually good for your skin?

The ancient Greeks were probably one of the first to enjoy the beauty-enhancing benefits of honey. They discovered that this nature-based sweetener left the skin soft and looking young. Probably unknown to them, honey is a humectant that attracts and keeps moisture inside the skin, making it supple and elastic.

Over the years, scientists discovered honey’s other benefits. They found out that honey is a natural antibacterial and antiseptic agent.

Honey contains amino acids and enzymes that do wonders to the skin. It’s also a natural cure for acne because it cleanses the pores and prevents microbes from growing on the skin.

You’d be surprised to know that honey is a natural sunblock. Its antioxidant properties protect the skin against the sun’s harmful UV rays. The darker the honey, the more antioxidants it contains.

With all of honey’s skin-improving properties, why go for the expensive skin creams and moisturizers when you have a natural anti-aging element right in your own kitchen? By simply combining honey with other natural skin-enhancing ingredients, you can create your own honey masks, which are great for skin problems like acne, scars, and dark spots.

Making honey masks

There isn’t any single recipe for honey masks. You can add anything to honey—lemon, milk, oatmeal, basically anything that’s naturally good for the skin—and voila, you get your own natural, inexpensive honey masks.

For example, combining a tablespoon of raw honey with 3 drops of lavender oil produces a mask that you apply on your face for 15 minutes. Do this regularly and you’ll be surprised at how this simple skin care regimen will improve your skin.

Half a tablespoon of raw honey, when mixed with half a banana, a quarter-cup of cooked oatmeal with milk, and egg produces natural honey masks that are great for sensitive skin.

Have a bad case of acne? Make it go away by making honey masks a part of your regular routine. Simply combine 2 tablespoons honey with 2 tablespoons milk, a lemon, 1 tablespoon yogurt, and some lukewarm water. Apply this mixture and leave it on until it dries up. Do this often and you’ll find that your acne will clear up. That’s because of honey’s miraculous properties, coupled with lemon and milk’s cleansing elements.

Another anti-acne remedy is a honey mask that contains tea tree oil. Just add a few drops of tea tree oil in honey and apply on the skin. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. Combine that with honey and you get a strong acne-curing mixture.

Aloe vera—with its moisturizing, soothing, toning, and smoothing effects—combined with honey produces honey masks that are great for people suffering from redness, inflammation, and itchy skin. Just combine a tablespoon of aloe vera with honey to come with honey masks. Prepare this fresh every day, and leave it on for 10 minutes. Do this regularly and people will surely notice the improvement.

Tips for creating honey masks

To get the most out of your honey masks, make sure you prepare them fresh, and preferably with organic ingredients.

Remember to filter the honey before you use it. Raw honey that has not been filtered can contain dust, pollen grains, and other foreign elements that may harm your skin.

Always test your honey masks on a patch of skin. Not everyone takes well to honey, and if you are the type with sensitive skin, you’d better make sure your homemade concoction does not make you break out.

So if honey masks are great for the skin, why aren’t they a part of everyone’s beauty regimen? People are obviously turned off because honey masks are sticky and messy. Besides, who has the time to sit down and prepare fresh honey masks every day when they need to get out the door in a jiffy?

However, if you want to say goodbye to acne-prone skin and hello to a soft, supple, younger-lookin compexion, why not
make honey masks a part of your beauty ritual? The results will make everything worth it.

Do-It-Yourself Facial Masks at Home

If you’re tired of spending money on professional facial masks with difficult-to-pronounce foreign chemicals that don’t seem to be doing wonders for your skin, here is the solution for you.

Did you know you can make your own facial masks at home using cheap, natural ingredients from your kitchen?

If you’re used to having facial masks professionally done or buying expensive facial masks and beauty creams, the idea of doing a facial mask at home will probably draw a blank on your face. “Messy” and “inconvenient” are words that probably come to mind. As long as you know what ingredients to use and can follow instructions, making your own facial masks at home is quick and easy.

Our great-grandmothers did it before us

Nature-based skin care recipes date back to ancient times. For example, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra liked to soak in a rose petal and milk bath to keep her skin soft.

Perhaps even your own grandmother had her secret beauty routine—probably a facial mask you didn’t know about—done at home in secret.

However our ancestors did it and whichever ingredients they used, natural-based beauty care rituals have always been good for the skin. So why not add natural facial masks to your regular skin-care regimen?

Benefits of natural, home-based facial masks

There are many benefits to having facial masks done at home:

· It’s cheap. Who says you have to shell out tons of money to look great?  you can make facial masks at home. They don’t have to leave a dent in your budget. · It’s easy. As long as you measure everything correctly and mix the proper ingredients, your at-home facial masks won’t end up a disaster. · It’s natural. Your store-bought facial masks may contain chemicals that are bad for the skin. Why take that risk? Ingredients like honey, banana, oatmeal, and milk—some of the main ingredients in facial masks—are edible. If they’re good for your tummy, they must be good for your skin, right?

· It’s convenient. You can do everything in the comfort of your home! Facial masks don’t take hours to make, and you apply them for just 15 minutes, and after washing, you can be out the door. You can create so many different facial masks at home as long as you’re familiar with the ingredient and their benefits. Tea tree oil, aloe vera, milk, oatmeal, banana—you can make more than five different facial masks at home using these ingredients! · You can make money from it. Once you’ve mastered the skill of doing your own facial masks at home, you can create your own bottled masks and sell them to friends or even give them away as gifts. Who knows, you can even make a business out of it!
As they say, the proof is in the pudding. Why not try out some natural facial masks at home and see how you like it? You’ll find that making these masks a part of your beauty ritual will do wonders for your skin--and your budget, too!

Eye Care - Cucumber Juice

Eye Care With Cucumber Juice
1/2 cucumber 1 Cup rose water

Grate half cucumber, strain it and keep in the fridgeto cool. Take two pieces of cotton wool dipped in rose water and the cold cucumber juice, and place these on your eyes at least twice a day.You should lie down, and relax, and keep your mindfree from tension, anxiety and worrying thoughts.
Apart from relaxing your eyes, cucumber juice will lighten the darkened area around the eyes, especially when combined with lemon juice or lanolin cream.

Super food - Green Tea and White Tea

Green tea is light in color because of incomplete fermentation of the leaf. White tea is tea whose leaves are picked before they open fully, when the buds are still covered with fine, white hairs. That, of course, is why it’s called “white” tea. Green tea and white tea come from the same plant, the tea plant Camellia sinensis. The main difference between the two types of tea is that the white tea leaves are harvested at a younger age than the green tea leaves. They both undergo very little processing, though white tea is the least processed of any tea. Green tea is only partly fermented, and white tea is not fermented at all. By contrast, black tea is fully fermented.

Because they are gently treated, green tea and white tea retain higher amounts of their beneficial antioxidants. Studies have shown that white tea has a concentration of antioxidants that is three times higher than that of green tea. White tea contains less caffeine than green tea, about 15 milligrams per serving compared to 20 milligrams per serving for green tea. If caffeine tends to make you jittery, white tea may be the better choice.

White tea has the highest antioxidant content of any tea, which for many is the main reason for drinking it. As a comparison, one cup of white tea contains approximately twelve times as many antioxidants as fresh orange juice. Active ingredients of green tea and white tea, including catechin, theanine, and saponin, work to scavenge active oxygen species in the blood, helping protect the body from harmful microorganisms.

Nutritional Facts : One fusion green and white tea bag provides 0 calories, 0 g carbohydrate, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, and 0 g dietary fiber.

Hair perfume- easy tip

Instead of buying expensive hair perfume. Try this simple tip:
Spray some perfumed body spray or any of your favourite perfume on to the HAIR BRUSH and comb your hair immediately with that and your hair really smells awesome..
I Hope you like it...

Natural homemade hand mask

11/2 tsp: oats powder
1tsp: olive oil
1tsp: lemon juice
1tsp: glycerine
1 tbsp: warm water

Mix this ingredients and apply this on your hands and wash off after 10 minutes for clearer and glowing skin.

Tomato for clearer skin

Tomato can be used to open up the skin pores. So cut the tomato into half and rub it on skin and was off after 10 munutes for clearer skin.

Natural remedy for under eye darkness

Put a potato in the blender,squeeze out the juice. Dip the cotton balls in this juice and put it on both the eyes and lye down for 15 minutes and wash it off. Do this atlest once in a week for good results.

Natural remedy for Dandruff

Natural remedy for Dandruff: Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water, grind it and make a paste and add sour curd. Apply it on the hair and leave it for 45 minutes. Then wash it with shampoo.

Health Benefits of Cabbage

  • The various nutrients present in cabbage such as vitamin-E which keeps the skin, eye and hair healthy, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., are very useful for overall health. 
  • Cabbage is extremely low in calories (1 cup has 39 calories), and as such often used in weight-loss treatments, such as the cabbage-soup diet. This diet is designed around heavy consumption of a low-calorie cabbage soup over a week for short-term weight loss.
  • Cabbage is an excellent home remedy for obesity for another reason - it contains a chemical called tartaric acid which inhibits the conversion of sugars and other carbohydrates into fat. 
  • A simple but effective remedy for weight-loss would be to substitute meals with cabbage salads.
  • To start a meal or as a light meal, cabbage soup is good for you, it is delicious and it allows you to get your fill of vitamins. Become the accomplice of a healthy and balance nutrition. Because it is rich in vegetables, it is loaded with fiber. Fiber facilitates elimination, but it also has the distinct advantage to give you a feeling of being full. To enjoy a bowl of cabbage soup just before a meal is therefore the best way to limit excessive eating for the rest of the meal.
  • Cabbage reduces cholesterol and promotes heart health.
  • Cabbage can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in cabbage do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw cabbage still has cholesterol-lowering ability, just not as much as steamed cabbage.
  • Cabbage is a low-glycemic food, which will help control blood sugar and insulin. Controlling blood sugar and insulin are keys to weight loss.
  • Cabbage purifies blood and removes toxins
  • Cabbage is also high in potassium which helps control high blood pressure.
  • Cabbage, being rich in iodine, helps in proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system.
  • Recent studies have shown that cabbage also lowers the risk of many types of cancer, such as prostate, colo-rectal, breast, lung, bladder, and ovarian cancer.
  • Cabbage contains large amount of Vitamin C, glutamine and amino acid. Cabbage contains Sulphur and histidine which strengthen the immune system and reduce the growth of tumors.
  • The health benefits of cabbage include treatment of constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, excess weight, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing, and Alzheimer's disease.

Skin Tightening Face pack

Natural Home made Skin Tightening Face Pack: 
2 tsp rice flour
1 egg white
3 tbsp finely chopped Cabbage.
For dry skin add 2-3 drops of extra virgin olive oil 
Mix all the ingredients and make a paste. Apply on face and wash off when it is dry.

Carrot Honey Face Pack

Natural Home made Carrot Honey Face Pack for Combination skin: Mix 1 tsp of carrot juice, 1tsp of honey, and 1/2 tsp lime juice, 1tsp of chickpea flour (besan). Make it into a paste and apply it on face. Leave it for 20 min and then wash it off.

Banana Face Mask

Natural Home made Banana Face Mask: Try this mask that will help nourish the skin. Take one ripe banana and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply it on face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Dark Elbows

Natural Home made remedy for Dark Elbows: Rub the lemon peel on elbows and wash off after 10 minutes. Do it daily for better results.

Stronger nails : Lemon

Natural Home Made tip for stronger Nails- Take freshly squeezed lemon juice in a bowl and dip your finger nails in it. Keep it for fifteen minutes to allow the minerals to be soaked by your nails. Do it regularly before you go to bed. The protein and keratin growth is boosted and thus, nails become healthy and stronger.

Makeup Tip for longer looking lashes

If you want to your lashes to appear long/bigger, apply a second coat of mascara only to the outer lashes.

To reduce wrinkles

To reduce wrinkles and tighten your skin: Beat egg white and apply evenly on face and wash off after 15 minutes. If you have dry skin, add honey to it.

Fenugreek Seeds for Hair

Crush a handful of fenugreek seeds and keep it in your hair oil bottle. It not only nourishes and strengthens hair and also helps in reducing dandruff.

Natural Moisturizer

Natural Home made Moisturizer: Mix 1 spoon extra virgin olive oil and 1/2 spoon honey and apply to the face in night or an hour before taking bath and rinse off. Your skin feel soft and beautiful.

Make Up Tip: Lips

Do you want your lips stick to stay longer?
Fill your entire lips with same color lip liner similar to your lips stick and then apply lips stick. Try it. Really works.

Baking Soda for Dark Under Arms

Natural Home made Tip for Dark Under Arms:Baking soda acts in curing the darkness of the underarms. After bath, apply some baking soda onto the underarms area.

Natural Cleanser

Instead of buying CHEMICAL and EXPENSIVE CLEANSER, try this natural homemade cleanser: Soak a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and rub the face with it gently from the chin upwards to the forehead.

Hair Glow

Natural and Home Made tip for Hair Glow: After using shampoo and conditioner. Add few drops of vinegar in water and wash your hair with it.

Simple Tip for Greasy Hair

Your hair is greasy and you are running out of time, no time to wash?
Try this simply trick: Sprinkle some talcum powder into your hair and let it stay for several minutes so that it absorbs the greasiness.
Continue brushing from the roots to the ends until no talcum powder is visible on the hair.

Body Scrub

Natural Home Made Body Scrub: Take 3 tbsp spoon of sugar, 3 tbsp spoon honey and 2 tbsp spoon extra virgin olive oil and mix it. Scrub this paste on body in circular motion then rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Eye Care

Natural and Home made tips for Eyes : Cut the cucumber into slices and keep it on eyes and lay down for 10-15 minutes (Slices of potato or cotton dipped in cold milk also works).
Smoother and hydrated skin around your eyes means less stretching and fewer lines and wrinkles in the future.
These natural eye pads do wonders after a long days work.
It soothes and cools the eyes due to the water in it.
Helps to reduce the appearance of dark circles.
Helps to lighten the skin.

Chocolate Face Pack

Natural and Home made Chocolate Face Mask for oily skin: Cocoa is good for anti-aging, it even helps in tightening and adds glow to the skin. You need 1 tbsp Cocoa powder, 1tbsp Honey, 1/2 tsp Besan (chickpea flour), 1/2 tsp Curd. Mix everything apply this pack on face and wash off after 15 minutes. if you have dry skin, add Oatmeal powder instead of besan (chickpea flour) and cream in place of curd.

Almond Face Pack

Natural Home Made Almond Face Pack:
Soak required quantity of almonds for a minimum of 7-8 hrs. Next, Peal off the brown skin on it and grind it. Add rose water to this paste and apply all over the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

Natural Home made remedy for Acne Scars: Aloe Vera has natural healing properties. It helps to lighten acne scars effectively. Extract the gel of Aloe Vera from a fresh leaf and apply it on acne scars directly. Wash off after 15 minutes

Banana for Glossy Hair

Natural and Home Made solution for Glossy hair: Apply Mashed banana paste to your hair. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off by use Shampoo.

Dark Under Arms

Natural Home Made Solution for Dark Under Arms: Rub lemon peel on the underarms areas and wash it off after 15 minutes. Do this at least thrice a week

Facts of Scrubs

Scrubs should be used not more than two times in a week; even homemade scrubs can damage your skin if you scrub it too frequently.
Scrubs helps in opening the skin pores, cleansing it thoroughly and promotes blood circulation.
Dead cells are removed, your smoother and healthy-looking skin is revealed naturally.
Scrubs must be applied when your skin is moist and there is no need to use soap after scrubbing.

Hair Conditioner

Natural and home made Hair Conditioner: Beat egg white and apply this on hair half an hour before bath and wash off with shampoo. It is the excellent natural hair conditioner.